DRX Spinal Decompression
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is a successful medical procedure proven over the last 5 years on over 5000 patients. DRX Spinal Decompression (Internal Disc Decompression), an innovative approach to healthcare treatment, is bringing non-surgical spinal decompression into the 21st century. DRX Spinal Decompression brings with it an advanced level of medical engineering for those with a high level of patient care. With the advent of DRX Spinal Decompression, we now offer seven different non-surgical spinal decompression programs on the DRX.
There are no gray areas in medical treatment, you are either cured or you are not. An 86% success rate with the DRX Spinal Decompression assures patients the opportunity to rid themselves of back pain and at the same time spurn traditional surgical treatments. New DRX Spinal Decompression owners quickly discover that offering this procedure offers their practice the peace of mind that they are providing the highest level of medical competence.
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is a proven treatment for the relief of lower back pain. With an up to 86% success rate, thousands of patients have experienced dramatic pain relief and healing.
DRX Spinal Decompression is an innovative approach for the relief of lower back syndromes, including:
- Herniated or bulging discs
- Degenerative disc disease
- Posterior facet syndrome
- Sciatica
- Acute or chronic back pain
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is non-surgical, non-invasive, and typically does not involve pain medications. The treatment is not only safe and painless, but also comfortable and relaxing. The course of therapy includes approximately 20 treatment sessions and is completed in about 35 days. Each procedure is performed with a patented intervertebral decompression device and is performed by a certified clinician, specializing in back pain care. The treatment sessions are brief, lasting approximately 30 minutes.
How does DRX Spinal Decompression work?
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy can isolate each lumbar vertebrae (L1, L2, L3, L4 or L5) and distract the vertebrae surrounding an injured disc 5 to 7 millimeters. The 25 to 30 minute treatment provides static, intermittent, and cycling forces on structures that may be causing low back pain.
During treatment, intradiscal pressure is dropped from a positive 25 millimeters mercury to a negative 150 millimeters mercury. This negative pressure promotes the diffusion of water, oxygen, and nutrients into the vertebral disc area, thereby re-hydrating the degenerated disc. Repeated decompression promotes retraction of a herniated nucleus pulposus (the elastic core of the intervertebral disc).
DRX Spinal Decompression treatment can:
- reduce pressure on the vertebral joints,
- promote retraction of herniated discs,
- promote self healing and rehabilitation of damaged discs,
- thereby relieving low back pain.
Why should you consider DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy?
DRX Spinal Decompression is credible. It is the only treatment that was developed by a team of back specialists including neurosurgeons, orthopedists, physiatrists, osteopaths, chiropractors, neurologists, and physical therapists.
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is proven and effective. The procedure has been studied extensively over the past six years and has been clinically validated. Thousands of patients have been successfully treated with DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy.
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is non-surgical and non-invasive. The complications from surgery can be severe and may result in debilitating conditions. DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is painless and involves no recovery time.
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is convenient. Treatment sessions last only 25 to 30 minutes. And because the procedure is non-invasive, most DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy patients can carry-on with normal daily activities. Additionally, patients can expect only minimal absence from work.
DRX Spinal Decompression Therapy is cost-effective. The cost of treatment is minimal compared to the cost of surgery. And, in most cases, financing is available for those without insurance or with less than comprehensive insurance. Several payment options are available and a monthly payment plan can be a much better financial decision than a 10% or 20% insurance co-payment on back surgery.