New Jersey Knee Pain Relief Treatment 
If you’ve had discomfort in your knee for a while, you may need New Jersey knee pain relief treatment. Knee pain can be debilitating and prevent you from living a fulfilling life. A doctor can evaluate your condition and determine the best treatment. Here are some common treatments for knee pain:
Physical Therapy
When you suffer from knee pain, the last thing you probably want to do is move it around. However, moving around can actually help you regain stability and flexibility in your knee joints, easing your pain. That’s why many doctors recommend physical therapy for those with knee pain. During your sessions, a physical therapist will have you perform several various exercises, such as hamstring curls and straight leg lifts, to regain strength in your knee. Your therapist may also ask you to perform these exercises at home.
Injections are another common type of New Jersey knee pain relief treatment. For example, if the pain in your knee is due to arthritis, your doctor may inject corticosteroids into your knee joint for pain relief. These injections typically provide relief for a few months. If your knee pain is the result from a sprain or injury, platelet-rich plasma injections may be helpful. They contain several growth factors that can reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.
Applying an ice pack to your knee can decrease pain and inflammation. Be careful not to use ice for longer than 20 minutes at a time. If the ice pack feels too cold on your skin, wrap it in a towel.
When you’re dealing with knee pain, you will want to stay off your knee as much as possible. Too much activity can worsen your condition. If you have a relatively minor injury, a day or two of rest may be all you need. However, if there’s severe damage, you may need to stay off your knee for a while.
If no other other treatments have been successful, your knee pain doctor New Jersey residents trust may recommend surgery. If only a portion of your knee is damaged, your doctor may suggest partial knee replacement. The surgery involves replacing the damaged portions with metal or plastic parts. If the damage is more severe, total knee replacement may be necessary. During this procedure, your surgeon will remove damaged bone and cartilage and replace it with an artificial joint.
Preparing for Your Appointment
If you’ve scheduled an appointment with your doctor regarding your knee pain, it’s important to know what to expect. Your doctor will ask you several questions about your condition, such as when you started experiencing knee pain and how severe your symptoms are. Answer each question honestly and include as many details as possible.
If you suffer from knee pain, talk to your doctor about New Jersey knee pain relief treatment. Contact Northeast Spine & Wellness Center to learn more.